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Quality Concert and Recorded Audio. Newark Delaware
David Muddiman - Audio Engineer
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Dave's Buddy Holly PhotoAlbum
The Chirping Crickets on FaceBook
This event was carefully planed.

The site was evaluated months in advance. The system was designed and contract were signed.

Five other event tried to hire me, but this event was locked in first.

Click images to expand.

The system and stage are set up the day before the first performance.
The 32 channel console was used for this event.

That turned out to be useful as the event had a lot of cues and instrument changes.

The mute groups and the VCAs were very helpful.

A view of the room from onstage..
This event had a Stage Manager.

Another shot of the room.

Notice the mixing position on the right in the back. Monitors were mixed sidestage.

Showing the system designed for the event.

Each side had 2 650-R2 dual 18" subs.

Each side had 3 MSL-4 main loudspeakers

For the audience in the balcony, a single UPA-1P placed above the stage did a wonderful job of focusing sound.

The crowd arrives at the event.

The event was actually three days.

The audience is a having a good time and starting to dance.
The lighting design was very good for this show. Bold colors. The photo won't do it justice.
The Chirping Crickets onstage.
A close up.
This moment was always a crowd pleaser.
The band downstage for a tender delivery.
Sharing the mic.

The band used vintage microphones which added a nice touch.

A song with sax.
A good shot of the band
A close up with My Buddy Holly..
Starground Audio 2011